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Central Institute of Aviation Motors as a world-class research center

Двигатель из слайдера.jpg

Being the Russian Federation’s State Research Center, the 'Central Institute of Aviation Motors' Federal Autonomous Institution is a world-class scientific center, an organization conducting a whole scope of research activities necessary for the development of aircraft engines and gas turbine units based on them.

On behalf of the Russian Federation, the rights of the Institute's founder and owner of the Institute's property are exercised by the National Research Center «Zhukovsky Institute».

Established in 1930, the Institute combines fundamental research activities with participation in the development of future aircraft engines, their systems and components. All the Russian and many foreign engines were developed with the Institute's direct involvement and refined at the Institute's test facilities.

The CIAM research activities aim creating an advanced scientific and technological research basis for future aircraft, marine and stationary engines design; new lubricants development; renewable energy source studies, including hydrogen energetics; conduct unique altitude and environmental aircraft engines testing energy efficiency and energy saving works.

The Institute possesses a unique, Europe's largest facility for ground and altitude testing of engines, their systems and components. All types of full-scale engine testing, including its systems and components can be carried out on the Institute's test rigs. Some of the most complex and power-consuming types of mandatory aircraft engine tests simulating full-scale operating conditions (altitude, speed, temperature, humidity, etc.) in Europe can be conducted at the CIAM Research Center only.

Among the CIAM employees, there are scientists superwising world-class scientific research schools in the fields of physical and technical issues of the power industry, hypersonic technology, boundary layer theory, turbulence, combustion and heat conductivity, conductive gas flow, gas dynamics of impeller machines, dynamics and strength, engine theory, high-level mathematical modeling, high-energy fuels, aircraft chemmotology, and other disciplines.

Directions of activities of the Central Institute of Aviation Motors 

  • Fundamental research in gas dynamics, mechanical strength, heat exchange, combustion and acoustics.

  • Testing of aircraft engines, their systems and components in real operation conditions.

  • Elaboration of the main areas of aircraft engine development forecast based on the world's leading aircraft science and engineering achievements.
  • Engine development methodology.
  • Applied research in the field of conceptual design of various aircraft engine types; aircraft system and component design, as well as providing reliability and failure-free performance.
  • Test facility equipment and measurement instruments' design.
  • Design of high-performance gas turbine units for power and gas pumping industries.